If you had no limitations what could you do? What is stopping you?
Picture by Donna Dinkin
What makes a perfect day? How can you create more of these days?
Picture by Lyndon Rego
What doors do you want to open? What holds you back?
Photo by Lyndon Rego
Taken at Studio 503
What do you collect? What draws you to those things?
Photo from Reconsidered Goods https://reconsideredgoods.org/
Instagram: @reconsideredgoods
What do you find to be the most beautiful? Why? Where do you experience it?
Picture by Donna Dinkin
What scares you? Why? How do you face the fear?
Photo from Reconsidered Goods https://reconsideredgoods.org/Instagram: @reconsideredgoods
What do you want to see grow in the world? What difference would it make?
Picture by Donna Dinkin
What plates do you have to keep spinning? What would happen if you stop?
Photo from Reconsidered Goods https://reconsideredgoods.org/
Instagram: @reconsideredgoods
What boundaries keep you from finding greater happiness? How can you cross them?
Picture by Lyndon Rego
What are you most passionate about? How does it show up in your life?
Art by Brownlee Bryant
Courtesy of Creative Aging Network
What do you see that is unique? How does that make a difference?
Photo from Reconsidered Goods https://reconsideredgoods.org/
Instagram: @reconsideredgoods
Where did you go to school? What was the most important thing you learned there?
Picture by Lyndon Rego
What makes you feel worthy / unworthy? What makes the difference?
Picture by Lyndon Rego
Downtown Greensboro
What would you like to welcome into your life? What difference will it make?
Picture Crystal Huff
What takes time but is worth the wait and effort? Why?
Picture by Lyndon Rego
What important part of your life didn't you choose? What difference does it make?
Photo from Reconsidered Goods https://reconsideredgoods.org/
Instagram: @reconsideredgoods
What fills your life with joy? How do you refill your cup?
Photo from Reconsidered Goods https://reconsideredgoods.org/
Instagram: @reconsideredgoods
Where do you find happiness? What makes it so?
Photo from Reconsidered Goods https://reconsideredgoods.org/
Instagram: @reconsideredgoods